The Grow Your Wealthy Mindset Podcast
Grow your wealth by working on your mindset and up leveling your game. Your thoughts about money have created your current financial net worth. Sadly, there are many physicians who are have earned a good income but have not built wealth. More and more physicians are becoming burned out as our health care system continues to change. Join the movement of physicians embarking on the journey to take matters in our own hands so we can continue to thrive. Tune in each week to learn more on how to grow your wealthy mindset! Imagine your life when you have the financial knowledge to create wealth so you can practice medicine on your own terms. Please subscribe and leave a review on your favorite Podcasting platform. You can learn more about Elisa at her website or follow her on social media. Website: www.GrowYourWealthyMindset.comInstagram https://www.instagram.com/GrowYourWealthyMindsetFacebook https://www.facebook.com/ElisaChianghttps://www.facebook.com/GrowYourWealthyMindsetYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/WealthyMindsetMDLinked In: www.linkedin.com/in/elizabeth-chiang-0582a432
Podcasting since 2022 • 149 episodes
The Grow Your Wealthy Mindset Podcast
Latest Episodes
Episode 148: The Alternative Min Tax
The alternative minimum tax, or AMT, was implemented in 1969 to ensure that all Americans pay their fair share of taxes, and particularly targeted high-income individuals who had a lot of tax deductions. It was originally design to catch those ...
Season 3
Episode 148

Episode 147: Creating Stories to Raise Money-Smart Kids with Dr. Michele Cho-Dorado
Dr. Michele Cho-Dorado is a Pediatric Gastroenterologist, Medical Director, children’s book author, speaker and founder of Bright Futures EDG. She has developed a children’s book series with a mission to introduce financial literacy to young ki...
Season 3
Episode 147

Episode 146: The How of Happiness Avoid Overthinking and Social Comparison
In the book, The How of Happiness, Dr. Sonja Lynbomirsky outlines 12 activities to increase overall happiness by shifting one's baseline. For 2025, each month will have an episode that talks about activities that can help increase happiness by ...
Season 3
Episode 146

Episode 145: Decoding Tax Forms: W-2, 1099s, K-1, and What They Mean for You
W-2 is a wage and tax statement and is sent by an employer to an employee to show the earned income the employer paid the employee during the prior tax year.1099-NEC (or 1099-MISC before 2020) are issued to independent contractors. ...
Season 3
Episode 145

Episode 144: Financial Leverage: A Double Edged Sword
One thing that attracts a lot of people to investing in real estate is how fast you can potentially grow your wealth. Yes, it takes a lot more effort and work than investing in low cost index funds. The use of financial leverage is also a key t...
Season 3
Episode 144