The Grow Your Wealthy Mindset Podcast
Grow your wealth by working on your mindset and up leveling your game. Your thoughts about money have created your current financial net worth. Sadly, there are many physicians who are have earned a good income but have not built wealth. More and more physicians are becoming burned out as our health care system continues to change. Join the movement of physicians embarking on the journey to take matters in our own hands so we can continue to thrive. Tune in each week to learn more on how to grow your wealthy mindset! Imagine your life when you have the financial knowledge to create wealth so you can practice medicine on your own terms. Please subscribe and leave a review on your favorite Podcasting platform. You can learn more about Elisa at her website or follow her on social media. Website: www.GrowYourWealthyMindset.comInstagram https://www.instagram.com/GrowYourWealthyMindsetFacebook https://www.facebook.com/ElisaChianghttps://www.facebook.com/GrowYourWealthyMindsetYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/WealthyMindsetMDLinked In: www.linkedin.com/in/elizabeth-chiang-0582a432
142 episodes
Episode 141: Pump and Dump Schemes and Short Squeezes: The Hidden Dangers of Individual Stock Investing
Have you ever heard of a hot stock tip and debated if you should jump on it? Or been invited to join a group where they discuss promising stocks? If so, you want to avoid finding yourself in a pump an dump scheme. It can be tempting to seek out...
Season 3
Episode 141

Episode 140: The Costs of Buying and Owning a Home (Why You May Want to Keep Renting)
For many people, the largest amount of money spent in a single purchase is buying real estate. The average home price in the United States is around $420,000 in 2024. In high cost of living areas, the average single-family house can be over $1 ...
Season 3
Episode 140

Episode 139: New IRS Updates for 2025
This episode discusses the adjustment in tax brackets and changes in contribution limits for tax advantaged accounts for 2025. Marginal Tax Rates for 2025 37% for single taxpayers with incomes over $626,350 and $751,600 ...
Season 3
Episode 139

Episode 138: The How of Happiness Expressing Gratitude
In Episode 131: Escaping the Hedonic Treadmill, we learned that hedonic adaptation is the tendency to return to a relatively stable level of happiness. People tend to have a baseline or set point level of happiness (or unhappiness) that hey ret...
Season 3
Episode 138

Episode 137: Flexible Spending and Heathcare Savings Accounts
Flexible Spending and Heath Care Savings Accounts are both ways to pay for your medical expenses with pre-tax money. Anytime you can use pretax money to pay for anything, you are getting generally getting a 22% discount or more depending on you...
Season 3
Episode 137

Episode 136: New Year Resolutions, Goal Setting, and Reaching Those Goals
The roots of making New Year Resolutions can be traced to Ancient Babylonia and well as Roman traditions. It’s still something many people do today. However, many people who make New Year Resolutions don’t end up keeping them. In this episode, ...
Season 3
Episode 136

Episode 135: When it Feels Hard to Spend Money
Some of us are spenders while some of us are savers. Personally, I’m a saver. I like to always have a money cushion. The idea of living paycheck to paycheck freaks me out. I like to get good value and prefer to buy any big-ticket items on sale....
Season 3
Episode 135

Episode 134: Overcoming Money Scarcity With Income Fluctuation with Dr Amy Vertrees
Amy Vertrees, MD is a board-certified general surgeon, Army veteran, certified coach, author and founder of the BOSS Business of Surgery Series. She served 17 years in the Army, reaching the rank of lieutenant colonel, and deploying 3 times to ...
Season 3
Episode 134

Episode 133: What To Do With Your Retirement Accounts When You Leave a Job
Most physicians will change where they work at least once during their career. Some estimates are as high as 70% of physicians leaving their first job within 2 years. If you have been at a job for a while, hopefully you have an employer sponsor...
Season 3
Episode 133

Episode 132: End of the year tax tips that you must complete by Dec 31
While filing taxes may still feel like a long time away, December is the time to strategize what you can do before the end of the year to decrease your tax burden. In this episode, I review actions you may want to consider to decrease you...
Season 3
Episode 132

Episode 131: Escaping the Hedonic Treadmill
Hedonic adaptation is the tendency to return to a relatively stable level of happiness. Good things happen and we may be happy but over time, we return to our baseline of happiness. Bad things happen and we may be upset, sad, or angry but over ...
Season 3
Episode 131

Episode 130: The Power of Saying No and Making a Decision
Many people have a hard time saying no and this can affect multiple areas of life related to and not related to money. In this episode, I talk about reasons we may not be saying no as often as we should and how to get more comfortable saying no...
Season 3
Episode 130

Episode 129: Investing in Individual Real Estate Syndications vs Real Estate Funds
Many people are interested in investing in real estate but don’t want the hassle or headaches of being a landlord. This week’s episode talks about how accredited investors can invest passively in real estate syndications or real estate funds. I...
Season 3
Episode 129

Episode 128: Keeping Your Investing Simple: The One Fund or Three Fund Portfolio
I know everyone does love learning about finances and investing. Some people just want to know what they should invest in. In this episode, I talk about mutual funds that are one stop shopping where a single fun could meet your investment goal ...
Season 3
Episode 128

Episode 127: Mindful Spending: Rethinking Needs, Wants, and Money Choices
When it comes to planning our spending, we often what we need, what we want, and what we can afford. Sometimes, we conflate things we want as things we need but when we step back, we realize a lot of things we feel we need are really things we ...
Season 3
Episode 127

Episode 126: A Closer Look at the 403b
I have often thought of the 403b as being the non-profit version of the 401K but through recent events, I’ve learned some differences that may affect those working at non-profits. This may be especially true if your spouse is a teacher or works...
Season 3
Episode 126

Episode 125: The Gender Pay Gap
In 2022, women in the United States earn 82 cents for every dollar men earn. This has been called the Gener Wage Gap or the Gender Pay Gap. This gap appears to be potentially higher for women physicians, and persists even after controlling for ...
Season 3
Episode 125

Episode 124: Your Second Job: Taking Ownership of Your Financial Future
This week’s episode comes from a talk I gave at the Women in Ophthalmology Conference. I was given the choice to speak on any financial topic as part of a financial wellness panel but with a very limited time of 8 minutes. I thought really hard...
Season 3
Episode 124

Episode 123: Financial Freedom through Entrepreneurship with Dr. Una
Dr. Nneka Unachukwu is the founder of EntreMD, a company on a mission to help 100,000 physicians build profitable 7 and 7+ figure businesses so they have the freedom to live life and practice medicine on their terms. She does this through the E...
Season 3
Episode 123

Episode 122: Withdrawal Methods For Retirement Beyond the 4% Rule
The 4% rule is probably the most talked about method when it comes to how to plan to withdraw from your retirement portfolio. However, when it comes to actually withdrawing from your retirement portfolio, there are a lot more options, and nuanc...
Season 3
Episode 122

Episode 121: Testing Your Retirement Portfolio with Monte Carlo Simulations
No one wants their retirement portfolio to run out of money before they die. Many retirement calculators use static assumptions, like a constant growth rate or inflation rate. The stock market may have average returns of around 10% per year but...
Season 3
Episode 121

Episode 120: Free Online Retirement Calculators
The goal of retirement calculators is to help you answer three questions: 1. How much do I need to save and invest for retirement? 2. How much money do I need in my retirement port...
Season 3
Episode 120

Episode 119: The 4% Rule and How 4% Became the Safe Withdrawal Rate for Retirement
You may have heard that your retirement portfolio should be 25 times your spending or your income for you to retire. This is actually derived from The 4% Rule, which is the commonly held belief that you an safely withdrawal 4% from your retirem...
Season 3
Episode 119

Episode 118: Retirement is Not an Endless Vacation
Summer vacation is coming to an end. While physicians don’t get summer vacation like students and teacher do, we may think that vacation will come when we retire. While the first few months, or even years, or retirement might feel somewhat like...
Season 3
Episode 118

Episode 117: Investing vs Paying Down Debt
This episode is really targeting to those physicians who have recently finished training but will be helpful to anyone who is debating between deciding to pay down debt versus investing. There are multiple factors when it comes to figuring out ...
Season 3
Episode 117