The Grow Your Wealthy Mindset Podcast
Grow your wealth by working on your mindset and up leveling your game. Your thoughts about money have created your current financial net worth. Sadly, there are many physicians who are have earned a good income but have not built wealth. More and more physicians are becoming burned out as our health care system continues to change. Join the movement of physicians embarking on the journey to take matters in our own hands so we can continue to thrive. Tune in each week to learn more on how to grow your wealthy mindset! Imagine your life when you have the financial knowledge to create wealth so you can practice medicine on your own terms. Please subscribe and leave a review on your favorite Podcasting platform. You can learn more about Elisa at her website or follow her on social media. Website: www.GrowYourWealthyMindset.comInstagram In:
Podcasting since 2022 • 138 episodes
The Grow Your Wealthy Mindset Podcast
Latest Episodes
Episode 137: Flexible Spending and Heathcare Savings Accounts
Flexible Spending and Heath Care Savings Accounts are both ways to pay for your medical expenses with pre-tax money. Anytime you can use pretax money to pay for anything, you are getting generally getting a 22% discount or more depending on you...
Season 3
Episode 137
Episode 136: New Year Resolutions, Goal Setting, and Reaching Those Goals
The roots of making New Year Resolutions can be traced to Ancient Babylonia and well as Roman traditions. It’s still something many people do today. However, many people who make New Year Resolutions don’t end up keeping them. In this episode, ...
Season 3
Episode 136
Episode 135: When it Feels Hard to Spend Money
Some of us are spenders while some of us are savers. Personally, I’m a saver. I like to always have a money cushion. The idea of living paycheck to paycheck freaks me out. I like to get good value and prefer to buy any big-ticket items on sale....
Season 3
Episode 135
Episode 134: Overcoming Money Scarcity With Income Fluctuation with Dr Amy Vertrees
Amy Vertrees, MD is a board-certified general surgeon, Army veteran, certified coach, author and founder of the BOSS Business of Surgery Series. She served 17 years in the Army, reaching the rank of lieutenant colonel, and deploying 3 times to ...
Season 3
Episode 134
Episode 133: What To Do With Your Retirement Accounts When You Leave a Job
Most physicians will change where they work at least once during their career. Some estimates are as high as 70% of physicians leaving their first job within 2 years. If you have been at a job for a while, hopefully you have an employer sponsor...
Season 3
Episode 133