The Grow Your Wealthy Mindset Podcast

Episode 77: Is now the right time to invest in real esate?

Elisa Chiang Season 2 Episode 77

This question gets asked a lot. People generally lament that it’s too late to invest in real estate, that they missed the good opportunity X number of years ago. The funny thing is that people continue to say that, and yet most people wish they actually got started when they first started thinking of it, except maybe if they started thinking of it in 2006 or 2007. 

The truth is, the real estate market is an inefficient market. At any given time period, there are deals to be found and money to be made. Sometimes there are more deals and sometimes you have to look harder to find deals, or train your brain to see the deals that you didn’t see before. 

In this episode, I talk about the different ways to get returns with real estate investing to help you train your brain to look for deals. 

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