The Grow Your Wealthy Mindset Podcast

Episode 79: Demystifying Hedge Funds and How They Differ From Mutual Funds

November 29, 2023 Elisa Chiang Season 2 Episode 79

You’ve probably heard about hedge funds but you probably don’t know much about them. Honestly, I don’t know a whole lot about them either, I’ve never invested in a hedge fund personally. In the recent episode on diversification, I talked about a study by JP Morgan that came out this year showing that adding alternative investments to a traditional stock and bond portfolio increased returns while decreasing volatility. The alternative investing strategies they used in the study consisted of real estate, private equity, and hedge funds. I do invest in real estate and private equity so I thought I should look a little more into hedge funds. 

So if you’ve been curious about what consists of a hedge fund, and how it’s different from a traditional mutual fund or exchange traded fund, this episode is for you.

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