The Grow Your Wealthy Mindset Podcast

Episode 118: Retirement is Not an Endless Vacation

August 28, 2024 Elisa Chiang Season 3 Episode 118

Summer vacation is coming to an end. While physicians don’t get summer vacation like students and teacher do, we may think that vacation will come when we retire. While the first few months, or even years, or retirement might feel somewhat like vacation, retirement is not an endless vacation. 

In this episode, I talk about Ty Bernicke, a Certified Financial Planner, who believes people need less for retirement than what traditional financial planning recommend. He published a paper called “Reality Retirement Planning: A new Paradigm for an Old Science” in 2005 which discusses how people tend to spend less money as they age in everything other than healthcare. When accounting for the decreased spending that occurs later in life, it’s possible that such a big nest egg isn’t actually needed. Read his article, which can be found free online at or listen to the podcast episode to learn more. 


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 Disclaimer: The content provided in the Grow Your Wealthy Mindset Podcast is for informational and entertainment only and should not be considered professional investment, legal, or tax advice. Dr Elisa Chiang is not a certified financial planner, attorney, or accountant.  The views expressed are the personal opinion of Elisa Chiang and her guests and should not be taken as advice specific to you, the listener of the podcast. Personal finance is personal and your personal financial decision need to be made based on your personal financial situation and risk tolerance after having completed your own due diligence.  


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